Monday, August 4, 2008

vibration resonance

there's no other words than BIG THANKS to bapak kami, our wise grey-haired man, Ida Wayan Oka Granoka Gong!
Like his last name, he brought the deep vibration of GONG to our small village. With his troop of 80 small kids, teenagers, and young adults -4 of them are his own doughters and son- in the middle of the road, in front of our Bale Banjar, under the Moon screen and pyramidal shaped bamboo sculpture over the 12 by 12 square meters Mandala, they shocked the crowd. Everybody stand still. Following the vibration generated by their unique Pakarana Gambelan and voices.

Maha Bajra Sandhi really is a BIG thing conducted by small kids.
It's hard to describe actually, unless you were there with us..

It's a long journey of idea materialization of a 'lonely' traveller. From the old holy-scripture, written dated back about 6 centuries ago. With his dedicated family, and parents who believed in his idea and send their kids to be trained and given a room to express their soul, their spirit, their talent within..

After Athena, Vietnam, Trowulan, then Geluntung (hopefully become tiny viewture village ;-) may the vibration they brought will open up peoples minds, pumping the spirits to move on. From a small village, the atom of the world, to share positive things to the world.

And of course thanks to the community of Geluntung, and everyone who contributed their effort to made those things happened ;-)

Please open also, they may have more things to share.

Love, Light and Peace from Bali

agung putradhyana

1 comment:

Rinawati said...

Congratulation for Geluntung,

Saya terkesan dg upaya ini, dan saya percaya bahwa ini adalah the real "Gotong-royong", but what ever it said, di tengah2 carut-marut kepentingan spt kondisi skrg, masih ada yg peduli dg kebersamaan dlm wujud apapun, dan tanpa pamrih just only for be happy together adalah hal yg patut diapresiasi. "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" adl sesuatu yg sudah jarang ditampilkan, kecuali dlm ucapan janji Pilkada, Pilpres, etc. But it's only lips service. Semoga di Geluntung tdk demikian. Keep your good spirit Bli, please share it to the others, not only in your village, but also out of Bali.
