Monday, April 19, 2010

kemBALI ;-)

wow it's been a year I never update this blog :-(
but there was actually a lot of interesting things happened in my life during that period of time ;-)
maybe I was too excited with facebook and off-line things hahaaaahha....

but since then, I should mark the milestones of progress we achieved and also try to learn from unexpected ones ::
> thanks ARD crew of UGM with their 'viewture village' tag-line for Geluntung which is continuing as our flame of spirit. thanks for the blog of your team activities and the village info. And congrat to [R]ani and [D]anar who will be officially graduated soon ;-)
> thanks to Ibu Martha Tilaar, ibu Nuning S Barwa, aji Suryadarma and all the BALI Shui Pani Amertha book team.
> thanks Mangayuk and her 2009 Unmas KKN crew.
> the FoRWD prototype is transformed into the next level and nicer look ;-)

glad that finally 14 of WWF volunteers from Jakarta were coming over to visit our viewture-village and what we do on the grass-root level in term of Alt NRG n things related to nature.

> thanks to Dyaz, nDaru, Aho, Eksi of UGM
> thanks to all friends in Woodball Bali n Tabanan
> thanks to BALIFORNIA bamboo guys who comeback with more friends and share a really fun n fascinating moments with us, the villagers, bamboo lineage crew of Kiadan coffee in the clouds, and keep on trying to create something interesting and build the bridge of Bali and Fornia sides {thanks Brian 'Hanuman' Scharf, Yuba Devy Priya, Anastasia 'Stacy' Delaney, Jaqui Du Nord, Sam, Kimberly O'Connor, Sarah, Luke, Tree Gentry, Quinn and Forbes Latimer}

> thanks to Unmas KKN 2010
> thanks to all project's owner who gave a chance to me to create experimental things to sound the 'greening' spirit in daily action
> thanks to all participants of 'greendrinks GMT' ;-)
> thanks to ibu Puspawati, Sonja, Thomas 'Tomblos', Silvia, Jonas, Rus Alit n Made of BATI, Ann Schioldann of Awang-awang, Monica, Lucy, Made&Jane, Trishna&Dan, Daisy, Margret of Jiwa Damai
> thanks to all of our friends in WALHI Bali who put me as one of the Regional Council member of the organization

hope I will write more updates from wherever, since there will be some green-projects happening in some areas ;-)

love, peace n humble life ;-)