Thursday, February 5, 2009

tiny-hydro at Beji Dalem, Geluntung viewture village

It's another small thing designed and experimented in my small village.
It came from an 'old' idea too.
Thanks to all friends that helped me to try it for almost a week..

The idea behind is to use the water from the water-spring at a sacred place in my village which is actually quite small and only has 1 meter drop range.. and with a low cost devices.
Hence we can make more of its kind in several places in our village.

It's a good example for peoples of how to change the 'potential energy' in water movement and gravity into electricity, as we know the 3 basic energy of the universe are: Electricity-Magnet-Gravity using what we 'have'...

Finally, using a submersible DC pump which by some trial-and-error on coil and propeller design we come up with a small but fit the need 'tiny-hydro' dynamo.

Peoples usually ask: how many Watts it can generates?
I measured it is about 5Volts/2 Watts perhour.

It charged dry-cells battery to power superbright LEDs lamp.
We will added several battery as 'electricity saving box' to power lamps on the periodic ceremony at the Beji (holy-water spring) Temple, every 6 months. And several occasion on special days..

On daily basis it will light up the pancuran/bathing place and the path to the village.

Thanks to pak Wayan Rupi and his boys (Putu Liong, and the twin: Kadek Sepug and Koming Toris) who had helped me with mechanical works, cleaning-up the place, fixing stepping stone, etc.
Also another villagers who triggered to clean-up the place too.

Later we plan to make a hot water tub for our 'Kampoeng Spa' ;-)

Come and join us to enjoy Panca Mahabhuta Bathing (5 basic elements):
Earth/mud, Wind, Water, Sun/light, and Space/stillness/emptiness, meditation...

find back, try and enjoy the simple tropical village life


Rinawati said...

Thats a great idea. Maybe it can be one of best practises for tata desa concept. Keep do the best for all.

viewturevillage said...

jadi penasaran, pengen liat klo malem sprt apa?..

sipp, bli!..
